Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Today, I organized all the research I have done so far for the exhibit. I have been collecting notes from articles and books in a notebook and on the computer. So, I took some time to organize it all in a file on MOSH's Curatorial drive. Now, when I have a completed document, it is saved in a spot where Lenny can access it whenever she needs it. After organizing, I continued to research. Today, I researched Dent Mound, whose artifacts are in the museum's collection. Actually, once I finish the box I am currently working on, I will be changing units so that way I can inventory the Dent Mound artifacts. This way, they will be properly inventoried before selected for the exhibit.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Today, I continued research on Dent Mound. Dr. Ashley did a reanalysis of the artifacts in the 1990's, and wrote a great in-depth article about the past excavation and the current implications for the site. I nearly finished going through the article today. Since I hand write my notes (if I typed them, I would type EVERYTHING), it takes me a bit of time to thoroughly go through a long article. Anyways, I hope to finish that research next week.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Today I went back to inventory. I have one more box of Bunnie Hall's projectile points and stone tools before I can change gears and move to the Dent Mound collection of artifacts. However, this is a box of many, many, lithic pieces. I did not get to finish it today, but it won't take me too much longer to finish. Which means next week I can continue my research of Dent Mound and then actually go through the artifacts from the site.
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