Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Today, I did more research for the archaeology exhibit. Dr. Ashley sent Lenny more articles relating to the sites the exhibit will showcase. There are only one or two sites/topics I still need to research, so I feel like my adamant research the last two week has paid off. I feel this project coming to a close (which it has to!) this week. Although inventory is never done, I will probably leave MOSH with the sense that the preliminary research I was tasked with finding will be complete.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Today, I finished my research. The preliminary research for the upcoming Northeast Florida archaeology exhibit is done. Hopefully, it will come into use during the design of the exhibit. I finished with 17 documents from 25 sources, and I feel I found most of what is out there to find on the Internet and all of Google Scholar. Today I also printed out inventory sheets (to prove to my advisor that I actually DID inventory). I saved my last bit of inventory for tomorrow. I have about 25 pieces of broken shell from a shell midden left, which shouldn't take me too long.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
I cannot believe that today was my last day here at MOSH. I finished my inventory of shells from the Dent Mound box that I was working on. I did stumble across something interesting- among the shells, in a bag marked "5 shell fragments", I actually found 3 bones. I noticed them by their color and weight. I was pretty good at finding bones in the field last summer when I participated in an archaeological field school in the Bahamas, and it was a good feeling to know that I haven't yet lost that skill. Two of the bones I could not identify, but one was clearly a vertebra. I have no idea how the archaeologists that first excavated the Dent Mound in the 1970's and 80's, and then another analyzed it in the 90's, completely missed it. In their defense, it was among boxes and boxes of shells and rocks, so whoever looked at it last was probably in some kind of trance after seeing so many broken pieces of dirty shell.
Anyways, after I finished and printed my last inventory sheet, I had my final review with the curator, Lenny. It went well, and it was sad to say good bye to everyone. I did ask Lenny to keep in touch with me about the exhibit, and I cannot wait until it is opened in October and I can come up and see it! I really hope some of my research shines through.
Overall, I am completely grateful for this internship experience this summer. I just wanted to see what museums were like, and instead I did not only that, but also got to help with the area in which I actually have some experience- archaeology. This internship could not have went any better as far as the time I had and the knowledge that I have gained. I will definitely find a way to incorporate public history and public archaeology into my future career. Thank you, MOSH, for an unbelievable public history internship!
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